Employment & Training Services Meaningful employment remains one of the critical factors in the successful settlement of refugee and migrant communities, influencing their economic, social and political contributions and sense of belonging in Queensland society....
Integrated Migrant and Cultural Services Integrated Migrant and Cultural Services (IMACS) provides a range of services to assist ethnic communities in the Logan area and surrounding suburbs to build capacity within their own communities to meet their own needs. The...
Aged Care & Disability Services MultiLink is an experienced Aged Care & Disability Service provider supporting frail aged people, people with a disability and their carers from diverse cultural, faith, and linguistic backgrounds with a range of services...
Language Services Australia Language Services Australia (LSA) is MultiLink’s flagship social enterprise initiative, providing up to 200 accredited interpreters, translators and language support workers in over 80 world languages. Previously MultiLink had traded...
The Settlement Program The settlement program has continued to support newly arrived refugee and humanitarian entrants, case managing 268 clients over the reporting period with 43.5% of clients coming from Afghanistan, 23.5% from Burma, 10% from Iran, 23% from Africa...
Neighbourhood Centre Program MultiLink has continued in its core role of identifying and responding to the needs of vulnerable culturally diverse individuals and families in our local community through: Development of resources and programs to support social and...
No Interest Loans Scheme (NILS) MultiLink NILS continues as a specialist program serving migrant and culturally diverse clients within the Logan region. The growth of the program is reflected by the announcement made by The Good Guys Good2GoNow program in...
Newly Arrived Youth The Newly Arrived Youth Specialist Reconnect Team Reconnect team supported 63 new case managed clients during the reporting period as well as continuing support for 46 case managed clients carried over from previous financial year. 54% of NAYS...
State-wide Pacific Islands Community Worker The CAMS Pacific Island State-wide worker continued to undertake a range of activities which deliver outcomes for Pacific Islander individuals and community groups and increase their ability to participate positively in...
Responding to the needs of Asylum Seekers and Bridging Visa holders in the community Community Sports Engagement Program It has been well documented that engaging in sporting activities provides physical and psychological benefits (increased fitness, reduces stress,...
Justices of the Peace MultiLink has been providing Justice of the Peace services to the community since 2010. Currently there are three registered members of staff with Justice of the Peace qualifications. During the period from June 2014 to July 2015, MultiLink’s...